- Prevent renaming file with existing file name
- Improve using first line as file name
- Support Markdown heading in the first line as file name
- Option in Settings to use first line as file name if the first line is followed with 2 empty lines
- Auto pair Markdown syntax when typing (*, _, ~, `) with option to disable in Settings under Markdown category
- Automatically wrap selected text with typed Markdown syntax
- Set cursor position to where it was after deleting opening bracket, quote, or Markdown syntax
- Auto pair quotes now support single quote
- Automatically wrap selected text with typed bracket or quote
- Find text in currently opened file from Custom Toolbar
- Reduce minimum length of text to find in opened file to 2 characters
- Find text in currently opened file
- Support Android 8
- Fix crash when opening the app after editing file opened from other apps
- Various tooling upgrades